Video 3.

LLSM of tent pole ruffles. RAW 264.7 macrophages stably expressing GFP-LifeAct stimulated with LPS. Video of Fig. 2 A visualized in 3D (tilted) to visualize top and side of the cell. GFP-LifeAct fluorescence is visualized using the Blue-Green LUT using Amira visualization software. Frames were collected every 3.10 s and are displayed as 20 fps. Bars, 10 µm. Time stamp, min:s.

Macropinosome formation by tent pole ruffling in macrophages

Nicholas D. Condon, John M. Heddleston, Teng-Leong Chew, Lin Luo, Peter S. McPherson, Maria S. Ioannou, Louis Hodgson, Jennifer L. Stow, and Adam A. Wall

DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201804137
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